Mobile Marketing

Today we can address to a much more specific audience according not just to age, 
gender and location, but also to interests and mobile browsing data

Can you hear me now! Good...

Text/Messenger Marketing

Text messages are opened on average in less than one minute! Couple that with the power of Facebook Messenger and your top of mind all the time.

Mobile Friendly Website

Search Engines penalize non-Mobile websites. Mobile sites are a must with over 57% of online traffic coming from

Mobile Advertising

With a growing number of popular Apps that are a part of most people lives, the opportunity to advertise on these Smartphone billboards is huge!

mobile marketing strategy

Find the right audience

Mobile marketing offers a wide range of opportunities for interacting with users on a more personal level. Today we can address to a much more specific audience according not just to age, gender and location, but also to interests and mobile browsing data, as well as many more factors which give the possibility to reach a specific target segment, within a specific audience profile.

We're Addicted!

The number of Smartphone users is continuously growing and it far outpaces PC/Laptop/Tablet users, that’s the reason why the possibility of reaching the audience of this channel should not be ignored. Mobile Marketing creates stronger user experiences that goes far beyond the standard banner ad because it can be easily overlooked on a mobile screen, which gives the possibility to reach the targeted audience at any time anywhere.

Direct Connection

Because a customer’s phone is almost always on them, allowing them to opt-in to a text subscription can help you share service or product promotions quickly. Connect directly where your customers are spending there time.  For example, users can share their contact information with your brand online and be signed-up to receive mobile notifications when your brand has a sale or promotion for a limited time only. The average text message gets opened in less than 1 minute!  

Every project presents its own goals, audience, and opportunities.

Our approach to great projects begins with a time-tested process that discovers and addresses the unexpected.

We've been pretty busy...

20000 +
Text Messages

But who’s counting. 


M.J. or Lebron?

Chat Bots Built 9thGrid

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